our missions

preserve, develop and amaze on coral reefs

Coral reefs represent around 0.2% of the ocean’s surface… but contain a quarter of marine biodiversity! Existing for hundreds of millions of years, these veritable underwater cities contribute to the balance of our planet in many ways. Discover our vision and missions to preserve coral reefs and raise public awareness on their importance to our ecosystem.

Restoring coral reefs

The main mission of The Coral Planters is to transplant corals to create new reefs in our ocean.

Our restoration method

Thomas Le Berre, co-founder of The Coral Planters and marine engineer, developed our coral reef restoration technique. It involves transplanting coral fragments (harvested either actively or opportunistically, depending on the case) onto metal frames specifically designed for the purpose. These are covered with a substrate combining sand and natural resin to increase the chances of success.

Every 6 months, our team take photos, which are analyzed by our Artificial Intelligence software. It’s at this stage that corals, which have attached to the frame in just a few weeks, form new branches and redensify the ecosystem.

After 3 years, coral colonies become sexually mature: the first eggs are laid and the adventure continues!

Monitoring our coral reefs and oceans

Photographs taken after coral transplantation are processed by Artificial Intelligence software. We can extract comprehensive data on growth, depending on species, transplant area and depth.

Our monitoring role in brief

Our software can calculate survival and growth rates, and use large quantities of data for analysis. The aim, by using it on a regular basis and developing its functionalities, is to optimize and standardize the automatic collection of scientific data.

Today, there are several coral reef restoration programs around the world. However, data sharing remains rare or non-existent. We are committed to change this because we are convinced that it is effective and in everyone’s interest.

Finally, our monitoring also enables all our adopters, those who have financed a coral or a reef, to know how their coral are doing !

Raising public awareness on coral and marine biodiversity issues

Our association also works to communicate in a good spirit, to inform and educate. Our aim is to raise awareness to as many people as possible on the importance of coral reefs and the threat if they were to disappear.

Our awareness actions

To raise awareness among the widest possible audience, we have deployed activities for all ages. In schools, teachers can find educational content adapted to their expectations and different levels. We encourage teachers to use our tools to help them understand the importance of coral reefs and the care we must take to preserve our ocean.

We raise awareness in public event such as markets, beaches during the summer and public places. We organise events and sometimes exhibitions to raise awareness of coral reefs issues in France and around the world.

Our project to restore coral reefs

Raising awareness

The Edu’Coral program aims to raise public awareness on the importance of reefs and the ocean. This is a major challenge, given how little the general public knows about the subject!

Artificial Intelligence

Our Coral’IA software is designed to monitor coral growth on artificial reefs, collect and interpret data using Artificial Intelligence. It aims to make information accessible to the entire scientific community and to standardize data collection processes.


To collect scientific and technical data, we work with Coral’Bot. This autonomous boat, equipped with numerous sensors, should enable Coral’IA data to be fed with even greater precision.