Our missions
We aim to conserve, restore and document coral ecosystems.
Coral reefs represent around 0.2% of the ocean’s surface… but contain a quarter of marine biodiversity! Existing for hundreds of millions of years, these veritable underwater cities contribute to the balance of our planet in many ways. Discover our vision and missions to preserve coral reefs and raise public awareness on their importance to our ecosystem.
The main mission of The Coral Planters is to transplant coral to create new reefs in our ocean.

a unique restoration method
Thomas Le Berre, co-founder of The Coral Planters and a marine engineer, developed our coral reef restoration technique. It involves transplanting coral fragments (actively or opportunistically harvested, as the case may be) onto specially designed metal frames. These are covered with a substrate of sand and natural resin to increase the chances of success tenfold.
regular monitoring of the reefs
At the end of the first 6 months, our teams start to take the first photographs. It’s at this stage that the corals, which have bonded to the structure in just a few weeks, start to form new branches and we can see a redensification with the naked eye.
After 3 years, the colonies become sexually mature: the first eggs are laid and the adventure continues!
Our monitoring role in brief
Our software can calculate survival and growth rates and use large quantities of data for analysis.
Today, there are several coral reef restoration programmes around the world. We are keen to share the knowledge we have gained in the field.
Finally, our monitoring also enables all adopters to see how their investment is progressing!
Raise awareness
Our association works to communicate in a caring, informative and educational way. Our aim is to make as many people as possible aware of the importance of coral ecosystems and the threat posed by their disappearance. To reach as wide an audience as possible, we have developed activities for all ages through our Edu’Coral programme.

In schools, every teacher can find educational content adapted to their expectations and level. We encourage teachers to use our tools to help them understand the importance of corals in our ecosystem and the care we need to take to preserve our oceans.
We regularly visit places open to the public, music festivals, summer beaches and public squares. We organise events, games and sometimes exhibitions to raise awareness of the issues we face every day in France and around the world.
With the help of scientists, we have created a unique educational tool for children: an educational booklet about the richness of marine ecosystems. The aim is to encourage positive learning through a sense of wonder. Our booklet is available free of charge from our website.
Whether through our blog, our social networks or in person, we try to share our knowledge and experience in the field in the most positive way possible. We want to invite as many people as possible to get involved in the cause we are defending, mainly by sharing our passion and what we are amazed by: marine life.